The Atlantic Tang Aquarium animated wallpapers and screensavers features different species of friendly Tangs including Blonde Naso Tang, Black Gem, Blue Tang, Yellow Tang, Green Tang, Brown Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Achilles Tang, Sea crabs, and Fire shrimps. Because of their bright colors especially around their mouth resemble lipstick therefore their got a nick name (makeup artist of the sea), and also know as the Surgeon fish because of the spike on their tail. In a crystal clear water of the coral reefs, in the wild Naso Tangs inhabit coral reefs full of sea Anemone, Soft colorful corals, and hard coral. With this animated Desktop wallpaper, you will be able to display this magnificent fish in the maintenance-free and feeding-free Naso Tang coral reefs exhibit right on your desktop. It is the best of natures under the tropical ocean.